Story-Origin During several centuries, the jewish village lived distrivuited by all the world. The mayority of the jewish lived in Europe, they live together in the european villages were very dificult. At the end of XIX century, in the east of Europe there were a lot of persecutions. The people wanted an only state for the jewish. The jewish wanted to convert Palestine in to their village. At this time, Palestine belonged to Ottoman Empire and It was inhabited by christians and muslims, and also a small community of the jewish who had a small territory in Jerusalem and outskirts.
In 1917, the British Govern looked for aliance, this could help them in the World War I. They thought that the jewish were going to be a good help.
In 1918, after of that the Worls War I finished, Palestine was low-lying the dominion of the United Kingdom during the next 30 years, since the west jordanian's river until the mediterranean's coast. The palestinian tried to have the Independece from England.
The Following 20 years, the jewish number in palestine grew a lot. The World Zoinist Organixation was as the govern for the jewish in Palestine, they bought lands and constructed schools ans hospitas. Palestine was more or ledd calm between 1922 and 1928, but after the confrotationms because of the terrytory between jewish and arabs was more frequent.
After, the British Govern did a mode deal with the World Zionist Organizacion and the confrontations was calmed by the moment.
Leter, in 1933, when Adolfo Hitler was in the German's Power, the confrontament arabs-israelies changed.
When the World War II finished, millions of the jewish immigrated to Egypt, Palestine, Jordan... And They did an agreement for that they didn't have problems between them. In 1947, the ONU decided to divide Palestine in two territories: One Jewish (Israel) ans another Arab (Palestine).
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