Michel Angelo Buorotti, was an architect, painter, sculptor and poet. He was born the 6 of march in 1476, in a small village called Caprese, near of Arezza. Althougt he was considered in essence as florentine.
His father was florentine oficial, he was to the Médicis’s family service. He maked that his son with was 13 years old, started to work the workshop of the painter Doménico Ghirlandaio, for learning paint. His learning was for 3 month.
Two years later, he started to like the sculpture, he used to go the San Marcos’s garden.
He went to the meetings and gatherings of the Médicis’s family, when he met to other artists. Michel Angelo was 16 years old and he has to make two sculptures with relief: “The combat of the Cápitas and the Centars” and “The virgin of the sthirs” (1489-1492) with them, michel Angelo demostrated his own style.
In 1492, he left Florence and he was in Bologna. Although more late, he came to Rome, when he could study and examine the old sculptures.
Not much time after, he did his dig sculpture “The Baco monument”(1498) and “La Pieta” . He finished it whit 25 years old, It’s the unique sculpture that he has got his name.
“The David” (4,34 m), It’s one of his the most important sculpture, It’s makes of marble.
He was doing sculptures for 10 years.
Also, he did some pictures as: “The Sacred family”,“The creation of Adam” ... one of his work most important is the vault of the Chapel Sixtina.
His activity of architect started in 1519, when he designed “The Facade of the Church of San Lorenzo”, “The Caurenciara library”...
In 1538 he started to decore the chapel Sixtina. In 1538 he started to the acts of the building of “La piazza del Campiduglio” in the Basilica of San Pedro.
He dedicated his life to the art, until he dearth with 89 years old. Although he entrused that his rest of body will have been in peace in Florence, and It is, in the Church Santa Croce, like he wanted.
Two years later, he started to like the sculpture, he used to go the San Marcos’s garden.
He went to the meetings and gatherings of the Médicis’s family, when he met to other artists. Michel Angelo was 16 years old and he has to make two sculptures with relief: “The combat of the Cápitas and the Centars” and “The virgin of the sthirs” (1489-1492) with them, michel Angelo demostrated his own style.
In 1492, he left Florence and he was in Bologna. Although more late, he came to Rome, when he could study and examine the old sculptures.
Not much time after, he did his dig sculpture “The Baco monument”(1498) and “La Pieta” . He finished it whit 25 years old, It’s the unique sculpture that he has got his name.
“The David” (4,34 m), It’s one of his the most important sculpture, It’s makes of marble.
He was doing sculptures for 10 years.
Also, he did some pictures as: “The Sacred family”,“The creation of Adam” ... one of his work most important is the vault of the Chapel Sixtina.
His activity of architect started in 1519, when he designed “The Facade of the Church of San Lorenzo”, “The Caurenciara library”...
In 1538 he started to decore the chapel Sixtina. In 1538 he started to the acts of the building of “La piazza del Campiduglio” in the Basilica of San Pedro.
He dedicated his life to the art, until he dearth with 89 years old. Although he entrused that his rest of body will have been in peace in Florence, and It is, in the Church Santa Croce, like he wanted.
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